Friday, February 21, 2014

Almost to Singapore

I cannot believe I will be seeing my mom in about 18 hours! I am SO

Its been a quick 2 days of class here on the boat with barely enough
time to catch up on sleep and school work. We had an awesome speaker
come to my business class today who is a very successful entrepreneur
and inspirational speaker- it was a cool change of pace to listen to him
talk and engage the class in a different way- he had us look at the
countries we have been to with a new eye for business tactics and ideas
that was really fascinating.

We didnt leave Vietnam until the next mornign after on ship time- so it
was really beautiful in the harbour the last night and enjoying the big
barbeque out on the 7th deck. The next day it took about 5 hours of slow
moving down the river to get to the ocean. As soon as we were out on the
ocean the seas got really rough really fast. When I got back to my room
after class there was hairbrushes, jewelry, water bottles, books etc all
over the floor! I am shocked I didnt feel sea sick at all! Seas are much
more calm now and we have been passing more ships than normal which is
cool to see. Other than that weather has been hot and sunny- and i got a
little burnt yesterday:(

I forgot to say that my team won the dodge ball tournament! We finally
had the last rounds after tons of delays! It was sort of anti climactic
because there wasn't a prize or anything- only bragging rights- but
still pretty awesome that our team won!

Last night we lost an hour of sleep- because I guess we went backwards a
time zone- I cant imagine how hard it must have been for Margaret (my
sister who went the other way around the world on sas) constantly
loosing an hour every few nights.

I am really excited for Singapore and seeing my mom! We are staying at
the Raffles Hotel which was recently declared a national monument by the
government! They also invented the drink called the "Singapore Sling"
and I invited some friends to get drinks with mommy and I so we can all
try the original Singapore Slings! Thats its for now and Ill post again
after Singapore!


  1. Have fun with "The Heides." Easy on the Slings!

  2. dont let the Heides distract you from your blogging!!!

  3. Hahaha "can't imagine what it was like for Margaret", i think she survived ;)
