Friday, March 28, 2014

Cape Town

Made it to Cape Town! Long immigration and safety briefing this morning but getting off the ship soon hopefully. My friend Lucas lived here last summer so he is going to be our tour guide for the day! Mitchell, ginger, Lucas and I are going to explore the waterfront and then go to robben island then haut bay market and long street tonight! Not sure what to expect but I'm excited. Then we get picked up for our safari tomorrow morning!
Thanks for all the comments family and a big congratulations to brooks for being a new uncle to twin girls!!


  1. Congrats to Brooks? What heavy lifting did he have to do? Maybe an "attaboy" is deserved when he changes his first diaper...

  2. That will be great to have Lucas showing you around! Have fun; pics are beautiful!

  3. So fun! I've never been to CT- it's on the bucket list. And Brooks change a diaper? Hmmm
