Monday, March 17, 2014

Neptune Day

Havent blogged in a while because email has been delayed on the ship- so
you have to prioritize what you absolutely need to send or else your
outbox will pile up and nothing will send!

Anyways, its been great to be back on the ship and be able to settle
into more of a routine. Its also been cool to hear about different
people's reactions to India- where they went, what they saw, and what
they thought about it. I am definitely not alone in realizing it was a
fascinating and eye opening experience but also really intense! My ship
mom bought my family dinner on the 7th deck our first night back which
was really fun and she got us ice cream the next night too! She is such
a sweet heart and we have been hanging out more randomly on the ship
which is really nice. It was also my friend, Gretchen's birthday the
other day-really fun but I am glad I will have my birthday in port
because having it on the ship is pretty anti climactic..

The moon has been full and really bright so stars havent been great but
the sunrises and sunsets have been incredible. The seas have been really
calm and I havent even thought about putting a sea sick patch on.
Laundry day is tomorrow which is awesome because all my clothes reek
from India. I went to a lecture the other night given by a life long
learner who started her own business of making decorative eggs- random
but she had the greatest advice and stories to tell and I am so glad I
went. I went to extra help for astronomy and it was just me and my
professor and we ended up talking for almost an hour about how he was
the dean on the ship when 9/11 happened and he said how back then there
was no internet only satellite phone from the bridge (captain's control
center) so all information was delayed and incomplete. I loved hearing
his story and how his experiences during that voyage were so different.

Today was a study day and also Neptune Day- the day we cross the
equator! Bridget and I were still sleeping when we hear drummers come
down the hall way- a few minutes later there was an announcement to get
breakfast and get a bathing suit on and go to the 7th deck. It was about
10am and there was music blasting and people everywhere. The weather was
hot and gorgeous and they had a ceremoy where everyone in groups of 6
would get on the side of the pool, a few crew memebers would pour water
on you then you would jump in, get out, kiss a dead fish on the lips,
kiss the ring of Poseidon (my Scottish astronomy professor who is the
cutest old man) and then most of the guys shaved their heads! A few
girls did too- but i resisted the temptation. Then everyone just hungout
and listened to music and the rest of the day was just a free day! Most
people have lots of tests coming up (including myself) so i spend the
day studying but it was really fun!

I am starting to plan cape town with my friends and we are getting so
excited- there is so much awesome stuff to do there but its nice we
still have lots of time before that on the ship and a day in Mauritius!

About to head to bed but ill post again soon.


  1. So cool. Crossing the equator slowly. Much more dramatic than in an airplane at 38,000 feet. You must be gaining a perspective of how big the world is. But, it's amazing how far you can travel at 10 knots if you stick with it. Amazing stories Annie. Thank you.

  2. I was the last sea to get clothes cleaned after India as well! Smelllyyyyy

  3. Kissed a fish? Did it turn into a handsome prince? Sounds so fun!

  4. Sounds FUN! Talk about taking "Locks for love" to an extreme..
