Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Future

We just officially crossed the international date line!! So I am now 18 hours ahead of EST! Just so you know- the future is great- it's sunny, there is chicken for lunch, with rough seas!

Today I woke up and it was really cloudy and rainy- worked out for like 35 mins, went to class and when I got out of class it was really sunny and warm!! There is a lot of sea breeze so I am coated in salt being outside on the 7th deck- but working hard on my tan- so it's all good!
We have taken a new route to avoid a bad storm which means we have gone way south (warmer weather!) and will cut up north and go to japan at higher speed. We will still arrive on the same day but we are going slower now and down below the storm but will have to cut north and go faster to stay on schedule arriving in japan. The seas are wayy rougher- much harder to walk around the ship- everyone sways a lot and you feel weightless for a second then feel like 500 pounds as the boat crashes in and out of waves- good thing I am keeping the sea sick patch on!

I have been trying to do more japan and china planning but like I've said before- not being able to go on the internet makes things veryy difficult. Going on the "free sites" like wsj, Uva library, and wiki travel take soooo long to load it isn't even worth it. I spent 45 minutes loading the main page of the wsj to get market data for my business class!

Tonight is the first night of the dodgeball tournament. My team is me Bridget, and 3 of our guy friends! We only play one game tonight and hoping we win so we stay in the tournament and keep playing on our way to japan!

The picture below is us crossing the international date line!


  1. Dodge ball on the rough seas?? That sounds like it will be eventful!
    Hottie on the left!! ow owwww!

  2. Hottie on the left.... Wait what????

  3. hi annie! looks like great tanning weather- i'm sure marg is jealous
